Little Green House Help Center

Dear Little Green House Parents,

Welcome to the Little Green House Parents App. To help you familiarise yourself with the app quickly and easily, you will find an overview and an explanation of all the functions here in the Help Centre. However, should you have any problems using the app, please do not hesitate to contact the management of your day care centre. We hope you enjoy using the app.

Your Little Green House Team


News Feed

Information, invitations, daily activities and pictures can be found in the News feed function.

If you have several children in the day care centre, you can switch between your children by swiping the profile picture to the side. The dots below the profile picture show which child you are currently looking at.

This function gives you an overview of activities and appointments around your child’s place in the day care centre. It is possible to filter the calendar to show activities by day, week or month.
By tapping the filter in the upper right corner, you can select what you want the calendar to contain.
Contract hours

With this function you can get an overview of your child’s contract hours and set the pick-up person.

  1. Tap on “Drop Off & Pick Up””.
  2. Select child
  3. Tap on “Week 1”

By tapping on the name of the pick-up person, this can be changed.

If you want to specify a different pick-up person once, select “Other pick-up person” and enter the name of the person so that he or she can be identified at the day care.

However, the pick-up person entered here will not be saved for future pick-ups. If you would like to have a new pick-up person permanently stored for selection, please give the name (and for secure identification also the ID card number) of the desired person to your site management so that we may store the person for you.


In the app, you can easily report if your child is sick and cannot attend the day care centre.

  1. Tap on “Sick”
  2. Select child
  1. Enter the date until which your child is expected to be ill
  2. Add symptoms and a comment if needed (optional)
In the same “Sick” function, you can also cancel or extend the sick note by opening the function again and swiping the sick note to the left or right or tapping on your child’s picture.

You can reach your child/childrens teachers via messenger: In this function it’s possible to write “private” messages and ask questions, etc.

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Messaging”
  1. Choose child
  2. Write a message and send it off
Check-in message

You are able to write a check-in message to the teachers when for example your child is going home with another child from the institution, or is being picked up by their grandparents or siblings. Important: These messages must not contain personal information.

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Check-in message”
  3. Choose child
  4. Write your check-in message
  1. With the function posts, it is possible to see posts from the kindergarten that has exceeded its “displayed to” date.

    1. Tap “more”
    2. Tap “Posts”
    3. Choose a post

When the institution takes pictures of your child / children, it will be possible to find these under the function gallery. Here, you will also have the opportunity to download the pictures from the gallery on your own phone

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Gallery”
  3. Choose a child
  1. Here you can see all the images that have been published for you.
  2. Click on the images you would like to download
  3. Tap on download in the top right-hand corner
  4. Note: For data protection reasons, you can only see photos of your child if you have given permission for photos within the group and the institution in the menu item “Child data”.

With this function you are able to invite or receive invitations from other parents to schedule a playdate in your free time.

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Playdates”
  3. Tap the plus sign
  1. Enter the date and time and invite the child. Add comment (can also be left blank)
  2. Confirm the invitation. The parents of the invited child will now be able to accept the invitation under news feed

It is possible to find other parents’ contact information under the contacts function. In addition, it is possible to give permission to share your own contact information to other parents.

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Contacts”
  1. Here you see a list of the parents who have shared contact information
  2. Tap the share icon to share your own contact information
  3. You will then have the opportunity to share with parents from your children’s group or all of the institution.

You can register that your child/children will be away from the daycare for a certain period or individual days. This is registered via the function “Vacation”

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Vacation”
  3. Choose child
  1. Enter first and last day of absence
  2. Add a comment if necessary (can also be left blank)

In the same function “Vacation” you can edit an existing vacation period by tapping or swiping on the vacation registration.


Standard permissions can be found under index card, but if the institution creates local permits, these must be filled out via the function permissions.

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Tap “Permissions”
  3. Choose child
  4. Choose the permission by tapping on it
Give permission if the child is allowed to do so and save it
Index card

You can fill in the child’s index card under “Index card”. Once this has been completed, the institution will have the information available.  

  1. Tap “More” 

      2. Tap “Index card”

      3. Fill out the index card –It is very important that the permits are filled in so that the institution knows what they are allowed to do

      4. Save/confirm


Contact information

With this function you are able to manage contracts

  1. Tap “more”
  2. Open settings

Here you can update your contact information and upload a profile picture